Sunday, February 3, 2013
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Shark attacks Turtle at Kite Beach October 22, 2012
This is the third shark sighting we've seen out here on Maui in less than a week. October 22, 2012
Over 40 witnesses watched a shark attack a sea turtle right out front of the lifeguard tower in Kanaha. The report doesn't go into detail but a few of us were out on the water when lifeguards were blowing horns and chasing around kiters telling then to get off the water.
The scariest part of the whole thing was the wind was light on the inside where the shark was spotted toying with the sea turtle, so when everyone got 50 yards from the shore their kites were falling out of the sky.
Click here for the full report
The turtle is still alive and was transported to Department of Land and Natural Resources, where I'm sure they will fix him up and send back into the ocean to be another shark's dinner.....
The Department of Land and Natural Resources is not a joke, they are the ones that shut the beach down and have as much authority as the police if not more.
This is insane that they keep closing down the beaches due to mother nature.
Three times in one week is a little much. It's nice to know that they are looking out for us but closing beaches is not cool.
Shark sighting at Makena Beach October 20, 2012
Second Shark sighting in 3 days. October 20, 2012
Lifeguard was out swimming and saw the "Gray Shark" which was most likely a tiger shark. Reports claim the shark was within 15 feet from shore...
This is the second beach closure this week.
Click Here for the full report
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Shark Attack on Maui October 18, 2012 Kanaha Beach Park
Shark takes a bit out of a SUP board in the "BoneYard" just offshore of Kanaha.
October 18, 2012
MauiNow.com was there to catch all the action. The lifeguards and Police closed down 2 miles of the beach. Bummer to those of us not scared of mother nature.
No one was hut but they continued to keep the beach closed for the entire day.
Maui Communications Director Rod Antone say the shark "was 8-9 feet"
Not to sure why they would close down the beach, I mean it's salt water there is going to be sharks out there... To top it off the guy says he beat the shark away which his paddle.
Click on link below to see full details:
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Robby Naish, Jaws October 10, 2012 SUP
Surfline captured this video of the "True WaterMan" Robby Naish dropping in on his SUP
To me it looks like the surfer is already up and riding while Robby Naish snakes his way in on a SUP of all things!!!!
Wow!!!!! You would think someone that has rode this spot so many times would know proper wave riding etiquette....
Typical Naish Sportsmanship....
Not to sure what Robbie is thinking at this point..... But I will say the whole parking lot was booing him as he got his 2 second ride in after dropping on the poor surfer.
Frame/Page 2....01:10 has the Naish ride
This Video was uploaded from SurfLine
Disclaimer The information above is for entrainment purpose only, it's what I experienced with corporate greed and bad judgement by upper management. This is my personal opinions and experience.
Friday, August 31, 2012
More to the Naish in Alaska Story...
George the guy from the post below contacted me today and explained that his last post was out of anger and his emotions got the best of him.
I on the other hand feel he was speaking from the heart.....

George seems like a very nice guy and I feel for him. Although I don't feel his needs to apologize for his actions. He's absolutely in the right here, like he mentioned in his first post there are pros out there that help others and some that don't.
The only lesson to be learned here is when you're out on the water and you see Robby Naish and his crew filming, you might as well be out by yourself!!!!! Because when shit goes down they'll just cruise by, laugh and continue filming. Only showing the world what they want them to see.
Thanks to guys like George maybe next time they might go out of their way and help somebody out?
Remember being a Badass sometimes makes you look like a Dumbass!!!!
George from Alaska, take care buddy and good looking out.
Disclaimer The information above is for entrainment purpose only, it's what I experienced with corporate greed and bad judgement by upper management. This is my personal opinions and experience.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Wow!!!! More trouble for Naish Kiteboarding this time in Alaska
Looks like the apple doesn't fall very far from the tree....
When someone contacts us with useful information like this it must be shared.
This is a concerned citizen in the kite community, and altho someone from Naish has already flagged his posting and had craigslist take it down I scored a screen shot for everyone to read for themselves. The guy actually posted his number up because we all know there are two sides of every story.

First the stealing of personal property, then false claims to the police, now this. You have got to be kidding me!!!! Naish is really making a name for itself these days. I guess when you come out with junk year after year you have to get your name out there somehow.
I myself would never turn my head to another kitesurfer in trouble. Even if it were yes...... Andy Church himself. I've seen him kite and yeah I'd say he'd be one of the first to go down and need help in a sketchy situation. This is a new all time low!!! I wonder who the other riders were out there in Alaska with Robby Naish?
Please keep an eye out for each other out there on the water, being a bad ass like these guys doesn't make you look cool!!! Here's the proof!!!!
George from Alaska
Mahalo and Aloha!!!
Disclaimer The information above is for entrainment purpose only, it's what I experienced with corporate greed and bad judgement by upper management. This is my personal opinions and experience.
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